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Saturday, February 14, 2009

Ways to Attack your Debt Woes

By Paul J. Easton

When attacking the problem of debt, you should always begin with the need to discipline yourself not to use your credit cards. Only buy the much needed things with cash. By putting yourself on a buy as needed policy, you will certainly eliminate a large portion, if not totally, of your debt.

It certainly won't be easy to get rid of debt. As a guide to help you, we will present simple tips to help you free up cash with lifestyle changes. Stop spending more money on nonessential buys. For now, there will be no more new clothing, shoes, and costly gifts on your must-buy list. Add to that the CDs, toys, and other accessories until you pay off the credit card debts.

I should have mentioned this on the first part, stop using your credit cards. You can resist temptation by making your credit cards difficult to use. Put it on some place you cannot easily have access to. If you cannot do this simple tactic, try cutting your plastics up all together.

Suspend all your future plans for a travel or a pricey entertainment. You can certainly have a cheaper yet fun version without incurring further debts. When you finally get rid of the debt, the cruise and Disneyland will probably still be there.

Reduce your telephone expenses. Try to make fewer long-distance calls and cut off expensive postpaid plans. If you own a cell phone already, you can drop the land line you also have so that you can pay the bills with cash. Or it could be the other way. Just choose which is more frequently used or where you get the most out of your money.

Budget your groceries and always shop with a list. This strategy will make you focus more with just the items on the list so that you end up spending less on groceries. Try also to limit meats with your weekly meal plans. Red meats like pork and beef are proven to age you faster. Not only will you save money but you will also look younger in the long run. These are just a few tips to attack your money woes and get rid of debt completely. Be consistent and you will be rewarded soon.

For more information on financial directory, get FREE Articles Tips at Get debt-free today with tips on how to get rid of debt here. Start improving your personal finance today.

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Lured to Another Credit Card?

By Paul J. Easton

Getting a credit card can be very easy but getting rid of the debt along with it is pretty troublesome. It is time to be more cautious than ever before accepting another new credit card. Make sure that this time around you are getting the best credit card and not fall trap with the one that will get you in more debts. Let us take a look at how credit card companies lure us into signing up.

Credit cards come in various forms and they feature low interests, airline miles and other rewards. But watch out for the fine print and be very careful about the terms because they are always subject to change, which can be very soon.

Getting that new card can be a trick, so be wary. If you are getting a new card just to transfer a balance because of the lower interest, find out exactly how much the company will charge for the transfer. Most of them will not tell you unless you ask them first. In addition, most low-interest introductory offers apply to the balance transfers only and not to your new purchases.

Some credit cards give you gifts for spending money and keeping a balance on your card. One of these tricks is by way of entering your name in a monthly drawing for a prize. These cards are very enticing because it will make you think that it is just okay to use the card because you have a perk like having a chance to win a prize when you use it. By easily justifying the use of it, these cards can be very dangerous.

Credit cards with certain rewards or dividends like rebates and airlines miles are great that they sound too good to be true. And in fact, it is. How can they be in business if they just give away discounts and rewards? Most reward card holders carry a balance and this is the bad news. And the higher interest rates of these reward cards to your balance can more than offset the reward they are giving you. The same with balance transfer introductory offers, reward offers are subject to change with little or no notice.

We have presented some of the neat ways how credit card companies lure you to maintaining a balance and keep paying for the interests. Which one have you been lured into?

For more information on financial directory, get FREE Articles Tips at Get debt-free today with tips on how to get rid of debt here. Start improving your personal finance today.

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Avoiding the Buying Impulses

By Paul J. Easton

In today's difficult financial situation, we should reduce our expenses and replace expensive activities with cheaper ways of doing things. To start curbing your appetite for spending, start getting rid of debt by temporarily avoiding certain buying impulses.

Strolling around the mall without a clear plan in mind to do there is giving you so much exposure to certain buying impulses. Plan your shopping ahead of time and keep in mind a budget. With planned trips to the mall, you will most likely have lesser impulse buying or totally get rid of it.

Don't order from catalogs for now. With every order from catalogs, your name gets sold to other catalog companies. This is the reason why your mail is getting more catalogs every time. Catalogs serve as visual reminders of all the stuff companies can advertise and you could potentially buy. This is regardless whether you really need them or not. Unfortunately, most people can't resist the temptation of ordering from them.

Starting now, opt out from newsletters and junk mails to reduce the number of catalogs. If you still receive catalogs, request every catalog company to remove your name from their mailing list. With this plan, you will not anymore receive pesky and unsolicited mails which distract you from your everyday life goals. And in the long run, you will resist the buying impulses and save you more money.

Reduce the surfing in the net by skipping the visits to online stores. This situation is the same with catalogs; online stores stimulate your buying desire. If you plan to shop online, have a list before surfing the net. And stick to it.

Our addictions to spending start with advertising messages bombarded everyday from multiple media ranging from television to billboards. Be aware and let the first line of defense be on guard.

Those are ways to taper down your buying impulses. Keep satisfied with what you have. If you can't have what you want, maybe you can want what you have.

For more information on financial directory, get FREE Articles Tips at Get debt-free today with tips on how to get rid of debt here. Start improving your personal finance today.

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Taking Charge of Your Online Security

By Eric Jilson

In today's online world, you can do your banking, trade stocks, pay your bills, and even buy groceries on the Internet. This convenience can come with a price, though, with identity theft becoming one of the biggest concerns and fastest-growing crimes today. Being proactive with your data privacy is important and can keep you from getting zinged.

The Privacy Rights Clearinghouse says that 9.3 million Americans fell victim to identity theft in 2005 and while new laws and agencies have been created to fight it, it's still a concern and poses a serious threat to today's consumer.

Many companies now offer identity theft protection services. While paying a company to protect your identity for you can be very effective, there are things you can do on your own to greatly minimize your risk.

Here are some tips to help you keep your information secure:

Make purchases only on trusted sites.

Sites that you don't know, aren't familiar with, or seem in any way to be hokey should be avoided. Make online payments (via credit card, direct check, etc.) only on sites you know and trust. Many small online retailers don't have secure payment systems, so be wary of any system you are unfamiliar with. Utilize accepted payment methods that don't compromise your identity such as PayPal or Google Checkout.

Order and go over your credit report.

You can request and receive one free credit report a year from each of the three credit agencies. Do this every year and go over that report carefully, looking for discrepancies. The website was created by the three reporting agencies in response to a federal law passed in 2003 on this issue. Check to make sure no accounts of which you are unaware have been opened in your name. Also watch for unusual activity such as address changes or other items you didn't authorize.

Know what phishing is and how to respond to it.

This technique, used by identity thieves that usually targets a specific site like or pretends to be a site that you trust to get you to log into their system so they can capture your login information for the real site. Often these are perpetrated via email. One effective theft protection method is making it a habit never to click on links within email to visit sites you must log into, but instead to type the site's name in manually into your browser to be sure you're going where you think you're going. Watch your browser's location bar (URL) to make sure you're on the site you want to be on and not a fake.

Secure your home network.

If you have a wireless network at home, make sure it's secure. Most of the wireless networking kits you purchase today have security built in, but you have to activate it if you want it to work. Often, this is done for you on setup, but make sure it is there regardless. In the past, many have had their identities, financial information stored on their computer, and more stolen by thieves who merely wandered by their house with a laptop and hopped onto their unsecured network. Look to your network's setup disk or documentation to find out how to secure it.

Don't enter sensitive information into non-secure websites.

If the site you're on is one you trust to give your information, make sure it's also securing it. Likewise, if you're posting information on Myspace, a blog, Facebook, or anywhere else, make sure it's not identifiable for use with your credit. Your mother's maiden name, your passwords, and other detailed information about you should be kept to yourself and not broadcast to the world, as these items can be used to get access to your identity. Many famous people have found themselves in sticky situations because so much is known about them that they can't keep their information secured.

Set banking alerts.

Many banks offer a service that allows you to have them notify you via email or text message when your accounts have certain things happen: getting close to overdraft, having draft or purchase requests for more than $1,000, etc. Take advantage of these to keep informed the moment something strange happens on your account.

Use optimal security questions and passwords.

A very common mistake amongst users is to use the same password on several sites. This might be OK if the site is just a news or blog comment area, but for financial and personal information, it's very bad policy. Use secure passwords that are hard to guess and that contain both letters, numbers, and random capitalization. Make sure your security questions aren't easily answered by someone who knows something about you. Questions that even your spouse would have a hard time answering are the goal.

In short, take your protection from identity theft seriously and make sure you aren't taken advantage of by identity thieves. Identity theft affects your whole life and can ruin you financially and make your life miserable. Preventing it is a matter of a few precautions and vigilance, but is worth it.

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Why Bankruptcy Chapter Seven Exemption

By Jim Peters

If you have too much debts, bankruptcy filing may be the only option for you. Many people prefer Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. This chapter involved selling all your non-exempted assets that will gives you a way to pay off all your debts. This chapter is supervised by the authority and the authority will appoint a a person known as a trustee to sell all the non-exempt assets owned by the defaulter and use the sales proceeds to pay off the various creditors. Bankruptcy chapter 7 exemptions means that there are assets that you get to keep when the bankruptcy is filed. Although chapter 7 is the least favorite method of bankruptcy, with the help of exemptions, you could bring their personal damage to the minimum and still get to keep some stuff.

The debtor keeps the property that he is allowed to keep. This list will be provided in the Federal Bankruptcy Code. The property shall be divided as exempt or non-exempt once the trustee files a property exemption report. State exemption laws can vary from one state to another although some basic laws may be the same.

In paying off the debts, the secured debts are first to be in line. As for unsecured debts, it is possible that the creditors may not get the full payment. The trustee is authorized to decide who gets the payment first, based on the law. Note that to enjoy the benefits of bankruptcy chapter 7 exemptions, the defaulter must file the case in the state where he/she resides for a period of 730 days before he/she can file for this type of bankruptcy. Alternatively, the debtor may also file the case in a state where he/she has spent most of the 180 period prior to the 2-year period.

Federal exemptions may also be provided including retirement benefits, death disability benefits, survivor's benefits and miscellaneous. Take note that not all the benefits are available in all states.

This is most probably the worst form of bankruptcy, your credit score will fall because of a filing of bankruptcy. Not only you will lose most of your possessions and you need start all over again in your life. Remember that there should be other alternatives before bankruptcy.

If, unfortunately, you have no other options, then try to learn more about bankruptcy chapter 7 exemptions as it can help you reduce your personal loss of assets and make use of it in a way to help get back on your feet at the earliest.

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Student Loans Consolidation Services - Advice!

By Norman Harris

Student loans consolidation services are very important to think about when you face huge debts after graduating from college. Many students and families take out private loans and government loans in order to pay for an education.

There are many expenses involved when attending college such as rent, books , food and endless other items involved that will cost a hefty price. Thats why students take out these loans in order to get an education. After graduating the tricky part is to pay off those loans in a manageable fashion.

Look for quality student loans consolidation services to lower your monthly student loan payments and keep extra cash in your own pocket while you pay off your debts. It is possible to lock in low monthly payments with fixed interest rates.

Always take the time and figure out your payment options now and then consider consolidating your loans into one payment. There are many options to choose from when consolidating your loans that best fits your lifestyle.

Everyone knows that paying off student loans to get out of debt can be a real nightmare. Student loans can influence your credit and affect your life far into the future. Don't let this situation get out of control. There are steps that you can take to manage your debt and get ahead at the same time.

Contacting student loans consolidation services will help eliminate original debts and combine them all together in one new debt. The benefits to this agenda are to reduce your interest payment and lower your monthly payments.

Student loan consolidation services have been around for years. Unfortunately, our education system is such that most people will face some serious debt when they pursue higher education. Until that change, there are a number of consolidation companies out there to help students get over the hump.

It is not easy, but it doesn't have to be hard either. With some carefully planned effort, you will be able to consolidate your loans and work at getting them paid off. There is a wealth of information on this topic, so if you feel like you need to know more, take the time to research and plan your own student loan debt consolidation. It certainly pays off in the end.

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Suggestions to Enjoy a Comfortable Life in a Budget

By Paul J. Easton

Having problems with the conflict of maintaining a comfortable life and getting rid of your monthly credit card bills? Here are tips that might help you get the best of both worlds.

Skip eating out and eat with the family together at home. Most developed countries have the convenience of credit cards that most families dine out almost everyday or take out their fast food meals. This leads to families not eating at the same time when they arrive at home. The result is a staggering number of broken families due to misunderstanding and bad parenting. Eating together is a time for bonding and communication and should not be ignored.

This will also cut your expenses by half as preparing your food at home is definitely cheaper. You will also monitor what you eat and this can be healthier. By shunning fancy restaurants and reserving it only for special occasions like birthdays and anniversaries, you will cut that monthly balance as fast as you can. And by learning how to cook yourself, you will have much more delicious food than in fast foods or restaurants.

The next tip is to be earth friendly. Conserve everything from using water to driving your car. Turn off the lights when not used. Find more efficient ways to utilize energy like insulating your home to lower your thermostat in winter. You will not only save more money, you will also save Mother Earth.

Keep yourself busy so you are not once again tempted to spend more time shopping. Try some extra work load so you get to overtime once in a while. By taking up some part of your free time, you will be spending less time just hanging around and spending money haphazardly. In return, you will be more productive.

Lastly, get back in shape and visit your neighborhood gym more frequently now. You will spend time getting healthier and spending less money. You can also walk your dog at the park or take your children to the playground.

These are just suggestions to enjoy life at a budget. Just as I thought, being happy and saving more money can actually go together.

For more information on financial directory, get FREE Articles Tips at Get debt-free today with tips on how to get rid of debt here. Start improving your personal finance today.

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Loan Modification For Beginners

By John Grays

Because of recent foreclosure booms, loan modification is getting more and more popular as a way out of mortgage trouble. The process of loan modification can get you out of a tight spot when you're experiencing financial hardship. Let's look at what happens when you try mortgage loan modification.

When you can see trouble coming with the payment of your mortgage payments, make sure to let your bank know. It's always easier to negotiate when your posture is intact and debt isn't piling up while you speak. A mortgage loan modification is a great way to adjust your mortgage conditions so that you get a lower monthly payment. Depending on your bank and the negotiations, the principal balance of your mortgage loan may be decreased and interest types may be altered.

As with all bank procedures, there is some paperwork involved with a loan modification. If you're having trouble getting through this process, you can solicit the help of an expert. Many lenders are willing to help you out with the paperwork of a loan modification. If you don't know a good lender now, ask around for referrals.

If none of your direct acquaintances know a good lender or another professional that can help you get through loan modification, try to search the web. There's a lot of information out there. Who knows, you might figure out how to get through loan modification yourself!

There is a lot of knowledge about loan modification available. You can get it from books, the Internet, a professional or your bank. It takes time to study the process of mortgage loan modification, but when you get to keep your home, it's definitely worth it.

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Convenience of Credit Cards

By Paul J. Easton

With the proper use of credit cards, they can truly provide you with much convenience and can be very useful in emergencies. In addition, it also can help build good credit records for you.

One of the conveniences of credit cards is instances when you buy a defective item. Your credit card company, as regulated in the laws, is obligated to investigate your situation. This is the same in cases where you protest a charge made due to some discrepancies.

Most credit cards have grace periods that can last up to 25 days. In essence, you are given a loan without the interest for a period of one month before you have to pay off the charges. This strategy, however, is only successful if you pay the full balance in each month. But it is definitely a convenience to benefit from.

Credit cards are very useful during emergencies. It provides extra security as a source during emergencies where significant cash is required as soon as possible. These emergency cases can range from car repairs to medical emergencies.

With the use of credit cards, you can now track your personal expenses for a budgeting program. With a credit card statement, purchases can be tracked and distinguished by type so you will know your cash flow. This will make your record keeping much easier than when you use cash.

With wise use of these cards, you have a good chance of improving your credit. And in cases when something unexpected happens, you have available funds to rely on. Getting a credit card is so important nowadays as it is a great way to take advantage of certain opportunities and conveniences around. However, accumulating debt is also crucial in today's economic state.

Abuse of credit cards, especially when the owner is not so observant with using it, can lead to a lot of debt. Some people charge more than they can afford, and are headed for financial trouble. I hope you don't follow the same. Make good use of your credit cards and you will just be fine.

For more information on financial directory, get FREE Articles Tips at Get debt-free today with tips on how to get rid of debt here. Start improving your personal finance today.

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Simple Rules on How to Use Your Credit

By Paul J. Easton

In life, we stick with the rules. Violating certain rules has its penalties. This universal law surely applies to the use of your credit cards. Read further to know whether you are violating or not.

Never use a credit card to finance an unaffordable lifestyle. This is where most people fall trap of the never ending financial mishap. If you just can't afford to pay off the entire balance every month, then it is an indication of overspending.

When you have enough cash in the bank, you can use that credit card to make the purchase. Pay it off in full as soon as you get the statement. However, if you don't have enough cash to cover the purchase and it is not an emergency, never charge it with your credit cards. Just save your money until the time you can afford that purchase you always wanted.

In cases where you can't afford something but needs it immediately like a car repair or medical emergencies, use the credit card to charge it. Then, make a plan to pay off the balance with a time frame. Take the plan to another level by figuring out how much you will pay monthly and how long it will take to pay the balance off. Write your plan to implement it better.

A good way to save yourself from credit card debt you can't handle is not to charge meals, groceries, or movie tickets. These items will not show in the statement and you will not monitor it as much as you can. Pay cash for these kinds of items instead. Save the credit for the most necessary items you will need in the future.

As much as you can, pay off the entire outstanding balance each payment due. When carrying a balance in certain instances, pay off as much as you can a big part of that balance each month. Paying only the minimum might be light for now but it will certainly pile up over time and drown you over your head.

For more information on financial directory, get FREE Articles Tips at Get debt-free today with tips on how to get rid of debt here. Start improving your personal finance today.

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Credit Cards: A Tool to be Used Wisely

By Paul J. Easton

When applying for a credit card, you must bear in mind that you have to use them wisely to make most of it. Using a credit card gives you access to more spending power in a moment than you realistically have. This in return entices you to spend more on luxuries, which can make you incur heavy debts.

Admit it; you can hardly pass up what conveniences credit cards can offer. With extra security, the quick identification, and as a source of cash when you need it most, credit cards are a necessity. But can you handle one?

Needing a credit card is a personal decision that depends on your responsibility to use it. Using a credit card needs thorough planning so that you use it wisely with your lifestyle.

Credit cards are convenient because they are now universally accepted as a form of payment. From movie theaters to the internet, credit card payments are now welcome. Add to that the issue of the safety of bringing cash around and you will understand the role of credit cards in making our life not only convenient but safe too.

Another advantage of a credit card payment is when you have a dispute with a merchant over a purchased item. In this case, you always have the right to withhold payment. In instances where you purchase high-ticket items with your credit card, you are more secured when the item does not work as advertised. Moreover, you can also cancel payments if the merchant fail to meet your expectations.

There are several benefits to using a card. This is probably the reason why it has become so popular mainstream. As a tip, make a note of all the transactions you have made for the week using your credit card. Keep a record and assess it by the weekend. Make this as a habit to account your expenses.

Once you establish that habit, develop a payment scheme for you to pay the full balance by due date. Only through that way can credit cards become your greatest tool.

For more information on financial directory, get FREE Articles Tips at Get debt-free today with tips on how to get rid of debt here. Start improving your personal finance today.

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Sticking to your Plan to being Debt Free

By Paul J. Easton

How to stick to a plan in getting rid of debt? Start with stopping yourself from applying for a new credit card. Yes, stopping yourself from getting another credit card is the way to finally end being debt-free.

Never pay your old credit card balance with the available credit from the new one. To end the cycle of debts, stop getting new ones. Together with this plan, start targeting the credit card with the highest interest rate and insistently pay this account down as fast as you can. You have to reduce altogether the amount over the minimum payment on your other cards. Concentrate this time with only one card. You can pay the rest of the cards with the minimum payment.

Be sure, though, to continue making at least the minimums on your other cards every time without failure. After the account with the highest interest is paid off, begin paying off the next highest interest rate card. Work on this plan until you finish paying all your credit card debts, saving you more money from interest and finance charges.

Work on your budget as well. Spend the time to create one on paper before the month starts. When you are aware of your spending, you are spending with a purpose. This will totally give you a conscious effort to limit yourself every time you are faced with a bill or an impulse to buy something.

Your dream is to be debt-free this year. It will take some time and some effort from your end to realize this dream. Certainly, it will not happen over the weekend. Work hard on those aims and make decisions wisely along the way. You now have a plan you can stick with for the long haul, persistent implementation will only push you to success.

You are now motivated and have the priorities in order; it is time to make your life much better without debt. Good luck to you!

For more information on financial directory, get FREE Articles Tips at Get debt-free today with tips on how to get rid of debt here. Start improving your personal finance today.

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The Effectiveness of Retirement Planning Software

By Michael Geoffrey

Good software can help you to create a beneficial financial plan. It is important to have to tools you need in order to have the best plan for the future.

Good financial planning depends on your ability to organize your current finances and plan for your financial future. The right software can put that ability at your fingertips.

The software helps you pull all your financial information together in one place so that you can have an overall picture of your finances. You can upload information from any accounting or budgeting software to incorporate those figures into your retirement plan information and create graphs that help you keep track of how your financial plan is progressing.

What You Gain From Using the Software

There are more retirement planning programs available now that offer more options than before:

- Informing you if a reverse mortgage will be right for you

- Gives you the ability to evaluate different budget options

- Organizes and keeps up with how you apportion your belongings

- Helps you estimate the security of your investments

- Numerous graphs and report options that are customized to your financial situation

- Helps you keep your finances uncomplicated and easy to manage

- It is easy to use and is the best financial advisor that you could ever own

- It is much cheaper than having a financial consultant

-It sets up real scenarios to explain and create financial plans

- Creates what ifs scenarios to help you to make sound decisions

- Helps you adjust to the changing economy by making cost of living increase projections

- Incorporates the cost of health care into your figures so that you are sure to allow for this important necessity

A good retirement planning software will help you decipher whether your financial plan is such that will ensure a comfortable future for you. Retirement is a lot to think about and a good financial plan is a serious responsibility that takes time and effort. The right software can make it so much easier and down the road you will see the positive results of your hard work and effort.

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Tips about refinancing your mortgage

By Guy Winsley

If you've been thinking about refinancing your mortgage, these low interest days may be the ideal time to take the plunge. The decision to refinance your mortgage can save you a lot of money if done the right way. Always contact your current lender when considering a refinance, to get to know the correct way to do a refinance. Check out this article for a few solid mortgage refinance tips.

When you are considering refinancing your mortgage, do your research on interest rates and terms. There are a few general ways to get better borrowing terms on your new mortgage.

The better your credit score is, the better the terms for your new mortgage. You will get better rates if your credit score is crisp clean. It signifies to the lender that you pay your bills, you pay on time and you take your responsibilities serious.

Be sure to always request multiple quotes from multiple lenders to compare interest rates and terms. If you let the lender know he is not the only one you're asking for a quote, you will get a better offer than usual many times. Also, make sure you get a complete quote, including all the lender fees.

If you're thinking about a refinance, consider the amount of your new loan, the monthly payments and the interest rates. It's easier than ever to go online and compare rates and terms in a very short time frame. Almost all of the lenders do heavy advertising online and make it easy for you to compare rates.

Make sure that your lender has a good reputation and that it's a stable company. In these days of unstable banks and crumbling companies, a solid company that can help you out with your mortgage questions is hard to come by.

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Education Loan Consolidation Options

By Dennis Powell

You did it! You scrimped and saved and studied and worked and borrowed more money than you ever have in your life, but you did it! You finally finished school. Most likely, you've got a few months of grace period to get settled into your new job - hopefully it's in the field you studied for - and then those student loan payments are gonna start coming do. Plan now to keep your expenses in check while ensuring that managing your education debt is a part of your long term financial plan.

Most people start their borrowing with a Federal Family Education Loan or FFEL. FFELs cover both subsidized and unsubsidized loans, and an FFEL consolidation loan can wrap both of a borrower's federal loans into a single manageable package. FFEL consolidation programs offer extended repayment terms and fixed rates, and in some cases even those who have been in default in the past can qualify. If you have any federal education debt an FFEL consolidation loan should be the first place you look.

Private consolidation loans can package all of your non-federal loans into a single easy to make payment often with extended terms to lower the monthly bite even more (Though at the price of a higher overall cost.) Private and federal loans cannot generally be consolidated into the same package due to the variance in interest rates between them. Private loan interest rates are based on the borrower's credit rating so if your credit rating has improved since graduation - through a better job, etc. - they may be a good option.

Parents who borrowed on their children's behalf can also consolidate their loans with a PLUS loan consolidation. Again, extended terms and fixed rates make the monthly sting of payments a little easier to bear, though parents will want to explore a variety of options to ensure that they are making the best deal when consolidating their PLUS loans.

There are many alternative ways of consolidating education financing. For homeowners a second mortgage may provide a better solution to a consolidation loan giving the borrower the option to put of their education loans into a single package. Private loans from family members are another way some grads handle their finances, and for a lucky few, some employers even offer tuition reimbursement programs.

There are even options for those with less than stellar credit or who have maxed out traditional borrowing. Peer to Peer lending networks provide the same structure as the file sharing networks many people have grown up on, but this time, they deal with financing. Borrowers submit their loan request and groups of people bid on the loan offering a variety of interest rates and payment terms based on the project and the borrower's credit history. Once the details have been decided the final loan is serviced through the network which then disperses payments to the people who made the loan.

Sure you busted your tail in college but now it's time for the real world, which will have its own share of challenges. Nobody want to start out with a huge burden hanging over their head; student loan consolidation can offers the cancel to reduce all of your loans down to just one or two manageable payments each month so that you can concentrate on working your way into that corner office.

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