Advice on Credit Card Debt Reduction
But having this amount of money, it would also be difficult to steer away from indebtedness. The scenario would be like the old adage, that is easier to gain weight than to lose it. It is easier to accumulate debts than saving money to pay off these debts.
There are many steps in gaining such a status, the most popular of which involves with focusing on interest rates before actually getting a credit card. A pinch of prevention is a pound of solution, after all.
One should know the interest rates that credit card companies offer. When you start negotiations, inform the company that you are no longer able to pay their interest rates. This scheme is straightforward and the least that the company can do is say reject your request.
Bottom line, interest rates can be negotiated, and coming to terms before using a credit card stands to be a very effective credit card debt reduction strategy. With lower credit card interest rates, one can add payments earmarked to settle the principal amount on credit card bills.
But if you are only bluffing, just get the best deal you could from the company. Remember, your credit card company could negotiate the interest rates with you. Lower interest rates could mean that you can add the payment earmarked to settle the principal amount on your credit card bills.
The amount of the payment due, which is stated in your credit card bills, determines the credit card debt reduction rate. The lower the amount you owe them, then your next bill would be a lighter burden of payment for you.
It is also advisable to limit the use of one's credit cards by paying for items of meals using cash. It would take some discipline if you decide to follow this scheme but this would also translate to savings for you too.
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