How To Improve Credit Score
Improving your credit score can seem like a daunting task. The credit bureaus claim to factor in hundreds of things and you have no direct control over your score.
Well they are wrong. No matter how bad your credit score is you can take a couple easy steps and improve it.
1. Disputing and removing bad credit items on your report. You can do this yourself or hire a service but it will help your score the most.
2. If an item is verified then work out a way to pay them in exchange have the item removed from your your credit report.
3. On time bill payment. It is rumored that missing a payment can damage your score up to 50 points.
4. Open a new line of credit. Your score will receive the most benefit if you have a revolving line of credit. We suggest an unsecured credit card.
This will also help you build a positive payment history by paying your monthly bill. However if you can not qualify for an unsecured credit card then open a secured card, but make sure it reports to all 3 bureaus.
In addition by keeping your balance at approximately 10% of the credit limit it will build the most credit. This shows that you use your credit and use it responsibly.
5. Pay your large debts down. This is called your available credit to debt. The bureaus need to see that you are not in over you head and that you do have credit that is not being used.
These five factors are the only things you need to concern yourself with when trying to improve your credit score. There is one last factor however it is shadowed in controversy.
6. Piggyback credit, this is when you are added as an authorized user to a good credit card account. The benefit is this account is now reported on your credit report.
This tactic has been widely abused and the scoring model has adjusted its formula to discount authorized users. However there is a debate over if this change has occurred yet or not.
In sum, focus on steps one through five and you are on your way to a 700 credit score. You don't have to live with bad credit you can increase your score and your quality of life.
Well they are wrong. No matter how bad your credit score is you can take a couple easy steps and improve it.
1. Disputing and removing bad credit items on your report. You can do this yourself or hire a service but it will help your score the most.
2. If an item is verified then work out a way to pay them in exchange have the item removed from your your credit report.
3. On time bill payment. It is rumored that missing a payment can damage your score up to 50 points.
4. Open a new line of credit. Your score will receive the most benefit if you have a revolving line of credit. We suggest an unsecured credit card.
This will also help you build a positive payment history by paying your monthly bill. However if you can not qualify for an unsecured credit card then open a secured card, but make sure it reports to all 3 bureaus.
In addition by keeping your balance at approximately 10% of the credit limit it will build the most credit. This shows that you use your credit and use it responsibly.
5. Pay your large debts down. This is called your available credit to debt. The bureaus need to see that you are not in over you head and that you do have credit that is not being used.
These five factors are the only things you need to concern yourself with when trying to improve your credit score. There is one last factor however it is shadowed in controversy.
6. Piggyback credit, this is when you are added as an authorized user to a good credit card account. The benefit is this account is now reported on your credit report.
This tactic has been widely abused and the scoring model has adjusted its formula to discount authorized users. However there is a debate over if this change has occurred yet or not.
In sum, focus on steps one through five and you are on your way to a 700 credit score. You don't have to live with bad credit you can increase your score and your quality of life.
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